Sunday, March 31, 2019

John 5: Fun With Equations

The Pool of Bethesda story in John 5 is loaded with symbols. I'll let you do the math. You can read the story and plug in the equations. Here are some equations.

1. Bethesda equals "house of mercy."

2. The number five (as in five porches) also equals mercy. Remember when Joseph meets his brothers in Egypt, Benjamin's meal is five times greater than the others and he gets five changes of raiment (Gen. 43:34, 45:22).

3. The "moving of the water" equals Jehovah creating the world as “the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters” (Gen. 1:2). 

4. Miracles in John always equal the Greek word “semeion” meaning a sign or token. They are signs of who the Savior really is. 

5. Thirty eight years (as in the length of the man's infirmity who is lying by the pool) equals the duration of the children of Israel wandering in the wilderness (see Deuteronomy 2:14). This number usually gets rounded to 40 but accurate math will help in solving this equation. 38 years also equals the span of the Prophet Joseph Smith's mortal life.

6. Wandering in the wilderness equals wandering in mortal life. You can visit Alma 37:42-45 for an example of this. You can get lost in either place.

7. Your chances of beating your neighbor to the healing waters DOES NOT equate to mercy. Rather, it's more like Survivor with the fastest and most athletic team winning the prize.

8. Acts violating the Sabbath (like taking up your bed and carrying it) equal the death penalty. Yes, the Savior asks this man to commit a capital offense. (See Exodus 35:2).

After solving the equation you may ask yourself the following questions:

Really, who is it lying by the pool?

Where does my faith lie? (Or who do I trust?).

Do I courageously accept His invitation to "Come follow me?"

Do I follow promptings from the Spirit even when it doesn't seem to make sense.

Where would I be without my Savior?

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